Bus from Couva to Esparanza – schedule

Bus from Couva to Esparanza – schedule
Line number: S2111
Type of vehicle: Yutong
Price: $3.00

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Departures from CouvaDepartures from Esparanza
6:30 AM7:15 AM
8:00 AM8:45 AM
2:45 PM3:30 PM
4:15 PM5:00 PM
5:45 PM6:30 PM

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Bus routes and schedules in Trinidad & Tobago
Average rating:  
 8 reviews
 by Leena
Late and unreliable

Still need to improve reliablilty.At times bus is Late or no show a d a lot of elderly ,school children and working public suffers because of this.

 by Cindy Ramdass

Like Why have school children wait till 3pm to say it not having any any 3pm service to san Fernando out of Point Fortin? Even with the 4pm service. Those point fortin drivers still getting pay at the end of the day,for what, not even doing their job? Some of those drivers are scheduled to run a certain and time and would start the bus to make the people waiting feel like there's a bus for the next hour, then shut of the bus and say there will not be a 3pm and 4pm service. Like why do that to school children, when they are reaching home all 6-8pm in the night.

 by Marilyn sene

This is the worse of the busses in Trinidad never on time and never care about the people

 by Cindy Ramdass
Poor service.

Please try and send the bus for the 3pm hour. Alot of kids wait on the bus. It's sad to see them suffering hours for a bus some have no choice but to wait until one comes. Please try to do better this year 2023.Thanks in advance.

 by Renee Cooper

Why the 3pm from san fernando to princes town dont ever work?

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